I'm Dave, I'm 24 and I live in England. I've been modifiying guitars for about 8 years. In that time I've built and modded 4 Telecasters. The first was a Japanese Tele
with a maple neck which I modded by fitting a strat hardtail bridge, twin humbuckers, one of which I custom made a mounting ring for from aluminium, I also cut a strat forearm contour and
resprayed it in pearlecent midnight blue. This guitar was later modified with an aluminium scratchpate and a single coil in the neck.
The second was a partscaster made from an old body that I had lying around and the neck from my brothers Strat because it was the only thing he liked about it. It was fitted with a strat
hardtail bridge, an EMG 81 humbucker in the bridge and an EMG SA81in the neck, I also added a socket in the body so that a power pack could be used to pwer the pickups instead of taking
the scratchplate off to change batteries. This guitar was sprayed blue, and as you can see, has see plenty of action and is fairly beaten up, but it's solid as a rock and refuses to break.
The third guitar was built as a backup guitar for my brother in case he broke a string mid-set. It was built from a sunburst Tele copy we found in a second hand shop for #90. I got it home and
stripped the body of all fittings, routed the body for humbuckers, cut down the original bridge to make it a 6 saddle hardtail, fitted and wired in the 2 EMG 81 humbuckers, rebuilt it
and set it up all in the space of a day because he needed it the next day. Not bad for a rushed job.