The FenderTelecaster Lover's Modification Site!

David Pepper

Winston-Salem, NC, USA

Dave Pepper's FrankenTele-II'm Dave Pepper and I live in Winston-Salem, NC. I started playing guitar in the late 70s right after I saw Ted Nugent jump off his double stacked Marshalls and not miss a lick. I've had several guitars and once actually said, "Teles are country guitars. You can't play rock with a Tele!" Oh well, I was young and stupid. Then I got out of playing in the early 90s and stayed dormant until about 6 years ago. I bought an '88 American Tele standard that played great, but I just felt I couldn't alter it.

I found Telemodders and was inspired by Brian Mikami's Tele-Gib so I bought a MiM white Tele (eBay)that would become FrankenTele-I. I replaced the maple neck with a 22 fret neck with an ebony board. I installed a Fender Fat Tele HB at the neck. I picked up a tortoise pick guard and had to cut it for the HB. A Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounder is at the bridge.
That brings us to FrankenTele-II. When I changed the neck on FT-I, that left a perfectly good maple neck just hangin' out there doin' nothin'! I couldn't stand that, so I found a new MiM Tele body on Ebay for about $60. The pups are a Duncan Jazz and JB. I cut a modern Tele style bridge and prepared to use a router for the first time. With the help of a Stew-Mac HB template, it was a snap. New 500k pots and vol/tone and switch knobs from a Strat and I was done. My soldering is not pretty, but it's solid! The Blue Tele is my new favorite guitar. Enjoy the pics!

The Telemodders site is great! I probably wouldn't have done my 2 Teles If I hadn't found it. Thanks! See Ya, Daveout...

Dave Pepper's Blue Tele 

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