I've been a fan of your site for a couple of years, but the press of work and home kept me from finishing my Telecaster and getting the details to you.
This is the 4th incarnation, I bought it neglected and unloved after seeing it hanging from the wall of a London guitar shop for over a year. I used to joke that no-one would buy it because of the ghastly colour and finish, a horrid dark blue/green sparkly acrylic goo that US Standards were covered in at the end of the 1980s. One day I got it down, and found it sustained for days and weighed very little. The case had been sold so I bought it as a bargain and got a plastic bin bag to carry it back to the office in. There I chipped the finish off, did the chamfers and rear cut-outs on a band-saw, fitted a Seymour Duncan Broadcaster bridge pick-up and sprayed it gloss black.
Next step was to fit a Seymour Duncan vintage Strat pickup at the front, that lasted for a year or so before I routed out a middle position and fitted a scratchplate with 2 Seymour Duncan 'vintage' Strat pickups and a 5 position switch. That lasted for 15 years before I decided on a total rebuild, I enlarged the body chamfers, bought a Fender Esquire scratchplate, rewired to straight through/fixed tone switching, fitted an Electrosocket jack-plate (a brilliant thing) and sprayed it Sonic Blue. At some point I'll find the cash to fit a Callaham bridge but I'm very happy with how it looks and sounds at the moment.
I'm the world's worst player, but I use it as a way of winding down after work. I get home, put the kettle on and plunck away until the tea's ready to drink. I either keep noodling or put on a record. To paraphrase a much better writer than me "Guitars do furnish a room". they're lovely things to have around and I find they're the idea way of dividing 'my' time from 'their' time. Currently I'm listening to folk like Wayne Krantz and Oz Noy but my real love is for blues greats like Bukka White, Muddy Waters and the '3 Kings' to name a few.
