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Wilkinson Adjustable Compensated Vintage Tele BridgeWhen it comes to picking out the hardware for your Telecaster, you've got a lot of options. Hardware can be found from companies like Warmoth (, Allparts (, Gregg Rogers (, and Angela Instruments ( ). Some of these places even offer aged or "relic'd" pieces as well. 

In our opinion, the finest (and unfortunately, most expensive) hardware available is made by Mr. Jay Monterose of Vintique. Jay was the long time guitar tech and best friend of the late great Danny Gatton. He was in charge of designing and handcrafting hardware that would live up to the standards of the Telemaster himself. He offers everything you need to modify and upgrade your Tele, including his patented neck kit. His stainless steel neck kit was designed to allow Gatton the freedom to remove the neck as many times as he liked without striping the screw holes. But a positive side effect to this feature is that the neck attaches so tightly and securely that the guitar practically reacts as though it's one piece of wood increasing the sustain and tonal qualities of the instrument.

Vintique logoThe only drawback to using Vintique is they have a very slow turn around – Jay is literally a one man guitar factory. But patience is virtue and his hardware is definitely worth the wait; this is hardware that you will buy ONE time and you'll never have to replace it due to rust or warpage. He offers amazing heavily knurled knobs and fantastic bridges as well. If you're looking for the best hardware for your Telecaster project check out We are in no way associated with Vintique, this is just the opinion of a Tele lover who, until finding Vintique, was never satisfied!

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